20 DIY Bee Feeder Ideas & Plans for Sustainable Beekeeping

When your garden blossoms in the spring, you may notice an increase in bees. Fortunately, you can attract and support these pollinators with DIY bee feeders.


These 20 easy-to-make plans will keep your garden thriving all season long and help ensure the bees have the resources they need to thrive.

How To Make A Community Bee Feeder

Making a community bee feeder is a simple and cost-effective project that can help increase the bee population in your area. To construct it, you will need two empty paint buckets and piercing tools. The large 5kg capacity of the feeder means that you only need to refill it once every two days, making it a practical and convenient solution. Follow these steps to make your own community bee feeder:

  1. Take two empty paint buckets and clean them thoroughly.
  2. Use piercing tools to make holes in the lid of one of the buckets.
  3. Place the bucket with the pierced lid on top of the other bucket and secure them together.
  4. Fill the top bucket with sugar water or a honey solution.
  5. Place the feeder in an area where bees can easily access it.

By following these simple steps, you can create a community bee feeder that will provide a reliable food source for bees in your area.

Building A Top Feeder For A Bee Hive

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly way to feed your bees during winter, building a top feeder is a great option. This tutorial video provides clear instructions on how to create a bee feeder using a shallow box and an old telescoping top. By reusing old materials, you can help reduce waste and save money. The tutorial also includes precise measurements and guidelines to ensure your bees are well-fed and thriving. Follow these steps to build your own top feeder and provide your bees with the nourishment they need to survive the winter.

Some key points to keep in mind when building a top feeder for your bee hive include:

  • Use a shallow box to prevent drowning and make it easier for bees to access the food.
  • Use an old telescoping top to cover the feeder and protect it from the elements.
  • Ensure the feeder is securely attached to the hive to prevent it from tipping over.
  • Fill the feeder with sugar syrup to provide your bees with the necessary nutrients for winter.

By following these simple steps, you can create a top feeder that will help keep your bees healthy and thriving throughout the winter months.

How To Make A 5 Gallon Bucket Bee Feeder

Creating a 5-gallon bucket bee feeder is an affordable and easy way to feed your bees. To start, find a clean 5-gallon bucket with a tight-sealing lid. Drill several small holes (about 1/16-inch) in the lid to allow bees access to the syrup while keeping them safe.

Fill the bucket with sugar syrup by dissolving a 1:1 sugar-to-water ratio. Seal the bucket with the lid and place it upside down near your hives. This will provide a sweet feast for your buzzing friends. Make sure to refill the bucket regularly to keep your bees well-fed.

How to Create a Bee Feeder

Creating a bee feeder is a rewarding project, especially if you enjoy observing bees. There are numerous ways to craft an appealing feeding station using materials readily available on your property.

This simple DIY bee feeder will attract bees to your yard regularly, enticing them with a reliable food source. It’s an easy and enjoyable project, ideal for the garden or as a fun activity with kids. Both you and the bees will delight in the results!


How to Make a Bucket Feeder for Bees

How to Make a Bucket Feeder for Bees

Here’s a simple way to create your own homemade bucket bee feeder with minimal effort. It results in an attractive and functional piece of art that you can hang on your porch or in your garden. With just a few supplies and an afternoon of work, you can add this lovely addition to your home or garden.

Bees are attracted to yards and gardens, which can sometimes pose a challenge if you’re growing fruits and vegetables alongside beekeeping. A bucket bee feeder provides a solution by ensuring bees have access to pollen and nectar. This easy tutorial will guide you through building a straightforward bucket feeder.

Unique DIY Bee Feeder Plans

Beekeeping is a rewarding hobby, but it can become costly with the need to purchase various supplies, from hives to frames and foundations. For those starting out in beekeeping, a practical way to save money is by crafting your own bee feeders.

You can get creative using materials you likely already have on hand. Bees are attracted to a variety of foods, offering numerous options for DIY bee feeders that cater to their needs.

Even if you’re not a beekeeper yourself, creating homemade bee feeders can support bee populations and provide a fun family activity that kids can enjoy helping with.

Build A Feeder Jar Stand

Build A Feeder Jar Stand

The Bee Feeder Jar Stand is a simple yet effective project to attract more bees while safeguarding your hives from pests and diseases. Share this project with your friends to encourage bee-friendly practices!

This feeder stand is ideal for feeding bees and enhances the aesthetic of any yard. It can be easily assembled with basic tools, using wood and finished with a natural, water-based varnish. This ensures a beautiful addition to your outdoor space that both you and the bees can appreciate, free from concerns about chemicals or toxins.

DIY Honey Bee Feeder

DIY Honey Bee Feeder

A bee feeder is a device designed to support the survival of bees by providing them with honey, a natural food source. Honey is essential for bee health and can be sourced either from bees themselves or purchased in liquid form from stores.

Ensuring bees are well cared for and their hives are safe and healthy is crucial for maintaining their ability to pollinate plants. If access to stores is limited, especially on remote islands, homemade bee feeders become particularly valuable.

This article explains the importance of bee feeders and provides instructions on how to build one to help sustain honeybee populations and promote pollination.

How to Make a Mason Jar Bee Feeder

How to Make a Mason Jar Bee Feeder

Ready to dive into beekeeping? A mason jar bee feeder is a perfect tool to keep your hive content. These feeders are simple to create and offer a quick and reliable food source for your bees. While jar feeding may appear straightforward, it can be daunting for beginners in beekeeping.

Concerns often revolve around bees potentially drowning in the feeder or spending excess time avoiding drowning while feeding from the glass.

However, by making a mason jar bee feeder, you not only provide essential nourishment but also gain confidence and deepen your understanding of honeybee colony dynamics. It’s a rewarding hobby that can also lead to creating unique homemade gifts for others.

An Introduction to Feeding Bees

An Introduction to Feeding Bees

Feeding bees is an essential part of beekeeping, especially during the colder months when there is little or no nectar available. Providing bees with a source of food is crucial to their survival.

There are several types of feeders available, including top feeders, frame feeders, and entrance feeders. Each type of feeder has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of feeder will depend on your beekeeping goals and the size of your hive.

When feeding bees, it is important to use the correct type of food. Bees require a mixture of sugar and water, known as simple syrup. The ratio of sugar to water will depend on the time of year and the needs of your hive. It is also important to use clean equipment and to avoid feeding bees honey or other sugary substances, as this can spread disease.

How To Install A Jar Feeder

How To Install A Jar Feeder

If you want to provide your bees with honey or sugar syrup, a jar feeder is a great option. Here’s how to install a jar feeder:

  1. Fill a jar with honey or sugar syrup.
  2. Add small holes in the lid for a feeding cup for the bees.
  3. Tip the jar upside down and place it on top of your inner cover or empty super on top of an established hive.

It’s that simple! If you have a small apiary and some extra jars lying around, you can easily make your own jar feeder. The bees will come to love it and it will help keep them healthy and happy.

DIY Hive Top Feeder Plan

DIY Hive Top Feeder Plan

Transform an old wood hive top or create your own from scrap wood into a bee feeder with this easy DIY plan. The feeder can hold up to 1 quart of sugar water for winter bees and fits any hive body. The lid prevents rain from collecting in the trough. The bees will keep the feeder-free of algae because they can’t crawl back up through the hole! Follow these simple steps to construct a hive top feeder:

  1. Cut a hole in the center of the hive top
  2. Attach a mason jar lid or other circular cover to the underside of the hole
  3. Drill a small hole in the center of the cover for bees to access the sugar water
  4. Fill the jar with sugar water and screw it onto the cover

By following these steps, you can create a simple hive top feeder and effectively feed your bees.

How to Make a DIY Bee Feeder with a Mason Jar

How to Make a DIY Bee Feeder with a Mason Jar

If you’re passionate about bees and want to support them, creating a DIY bee feeder is a fun activity suitable for both kids and adults. Whether you upcycle an old jar or use a new one, a homemade bee feeder can enhance your garden’s bee-friendliness.

This project is easy enough for children to participate in and learn from. By making a simple mason jar bee feeder, you can provide supplemental nutrition to your backyard honey bees, boosting their diet with extra sugar and pollen.

Bees play a crucial role as pollinators, yet their populations are declining. Making a mason jar bee feeder using jars you have at home is a practical way to contribute to bee conservation efforts.

No Drowning, Hive-Top Feeder

No Drowning, Hive-Top Feeder

Creating an easy-to-make hive top feeder is a practical solution to ensure your bees are well-nourished without the risk of drowning or accessing syrup from the wrong side. Beekeeping is not only a rewarding hobby but also an art that supports pollination in your garden.

Honeybees are essential pollinators, and their populations are under threat due to alarming die-offs. A hive-top feeder offers a balanced diet to sustain your bees effectively.

This DIY project simplifies the process of providing bees with the necessary food and water without the risk of syrup spilling over and potentially harming the hive’s environment.

DIY Bee Yard Feeder

DIY Bee Yard Feeder

Looking for an easy way to provide your bees with extra sugar or pollen during a shortage? You can make your own bee feeder with just a plastic pail with a snap-on lid and a drill. Drill small holes around the edge of the lid and fill it with sugar water.

Then place it in your yard during the spring or summer when there isn’t a lot of nectar available. This DIY bee feeder is an inexpensive and simple project that can help your garden without getting stung. Plus, it’s a great way to watch your bees go bonkers!

How To Use A Sugar Water Feeder For Bees

How To Use A Sugar Water Feeder For Bees

Feeding bees can be a topic of debate among beekeepers, but there are situations where it is beneficial and necessary. Whether you’re looking for the best sugar water recipe for bees or need guidance on using a sugar water feeder, this article will provide you with the necessary information.

It’s a valuable DIY project that helps beekeepers understand the importance of providing proper nutrition to bees. Using the correct ingredients ensures that your bees remain happy and healthy, supporting their well-being and productivity.

Homemade Boardman Feeder

Homemade Boardman Feeder

If you’re looking for an affordable and easy-to-make feeder for your honeybees, a DIY Boardman Feeder is a great option. With a cost of around $5, this feeder is made from cedar boards, but you can use any scrap wood you have on hand.

The design is simple and requires only a Mason jar and some metal hardware. During the summer, bees need food and water, especially if your hives are in hot and dry locations.

This homemade Boardman feeder has everything you need for a successful beekeeping season. It’s a great way to ensure that your bees are well-fed and healthy without breaking the bank.


Creating a DIY bee feeder is a simple and cost-effective way to provide nourishment for your bees. By using common materials such as mason jars, plastic containers, or even recycled wine corks, you can create a variety of feeders that can hold sugar syrup or water.

It is important to regularly check and clean your feeders to prevent contamination and ensure the health of your bees. With a little creativity and effort, you can easily provide your bees with the nourishment they need to thrive.


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